The Health Visiting Service supports families with a new baby or child under five-years-old by offering advice and guidance. We work with midwives, GPs, paediatricians, local children's centres and voluntary organisations to provide the best possible care to families.
You can find more information on the support available to families in our online leaflet. Find out more about working or volunteering with us.
Health visiting referral forms
- Use our referral form if you would like to refer a family to Kent Health Visiting.
- Use our moving into the area form if you would like to let us know a family with under-fives has moved into Kent.
- Visit the Specialist Infant Feeding Team page for more information on making a referral for support or to access a breast pump.
- Use our integrated review referral form if you are an early years setting or childminder and would like to refer a child for an integrated review at two meeting.
Please note the reference number for your records when you submit a form.
Support for Kent families
- Kent Baby – has a range of information and support for parents and carers of under-fives.
- Child health clinics - advice, information and support for parents and their child's health and development.
- Beside You – help and support with breastfeeding including details of local breastfeeding drop-in sessions.
- Born to move app – encouraging play and interaction to help the learning and development of your baby’s brain at this early stage, building the foundations for a healthy, confident child.
- Parenting courses on a variety of topics including starting solids and toilet training.
- One You Kent offers support to families to go smokefree, lose weight, get active or just feel better about life. One You has a specialist smokefree team dedicated to supporting expectant families or with a baby up to one year of age, offering weekly non-judgement support and advice.
- Family Partnership Programme – available to families living in Kent who have experienced difficulties such as poverty, mental health issues, family problems or domestic abuse.
- Specialist Infant Feeding Service - works with families whose babies are experiencing feeding problems requiring more intensive or specialist support.
Understanding your child
Free online courses for anyone who is pregnant or caring for a child in Kent. There are courses for all stages from before baby arrives, up to 18 years of age. Use the access code Invicta to register for an account. You can complete courses in smaller chunks at your own pace.

Looking for breastfeeding support?
Beside You is here to help every step of the way.