Speech, language, and communication abilities refer to the skills we use to understand and express thoughts, emotions, and information through spoken words, gestures, or other means. These abilities are key to interacting effectively with others and developing social and cognitive skills. They can be broken down into three main areas:
- Speech is the physical act of talking aloud and includes the sounds we use and how clear and fluent we sound to others.
- Language is the system of words and rules we use to share ideas. It can be spoken, written or signed. It includes understanding others and expressing ourselves.
- Communication is how we share and receive information, thoughts, and feelings with others. It can be spoken and non-spoken including speech, writing, but also gestures or facial expressions. When we think about communication skills, we also look at how people use them socially, with different people and in different situations.
Understanding the stage your child’s language may be at for their age may help you to tailor your activities to support your child with their speech, language and communication skills.
Activities can include:
- playing games like what’s in the bag or scavenger hunts to help explain the world around them
- reading books
- telling jokes
- recalling information.
More information can be found at our children’s therapies website.
Some young people have difficulties with speech and may stammer. Others may not have developed their language skills and may need to use different methods to articulate what they are thinking or feeling. Using visuals and signs can support children who are finding speech difficult.
Speech and Language UK has a range of resources you may find helpful for speech and language differences.
Get your child’s attention child before speaking to them and allow them time to process and answer questions. Be aware of environmental factors that may hinder communication. You can find more information in our ‘Sensory needs’ section. Young people may benefit from joining clubs or groups to practice skills with their peers.
Useful resources
- ‘The abilities in me – Speech Delay’ (Gemma Keir, 2020)
- ‘You’re A Star – A Child’s Guide to Self-Esteem’ (Poppy O’Neill, 2018)
- ‘Be Cool, Be You A Child’s Guide to Making Friends’ (Poppy O’Neill, 2022)
- Speech sounds: How to support your child speech and sound development