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Education resource hub

Welcome to the support pages for education settings in Kent.

You will find lots of useful resources including lesson plans, live online training sessions, and pre-recorded presentations. We are here to support you, so you can make the changes you need to improve pupil and staff health, wellbeing and attainment. A whole school approach is one where children and the adults supporting them flourish, learn and succeed because the school works in partnership to put health and wellbeing at the heart of their mission.

The Whole School Approach Team has created a suite of resources that provide practical online tools and support for schools around each of these key areas.


Featured resources

Kent School Health referral

Fill in your details to get in touch.

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Let your teen know they can access reliable NHS information and answers to their questions at HealthforTeens. They can also text ChatHealth at 07520 618850 for confidential health advice and support from a nurse.