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Getting ready to feed your baby

Breastfeeding womenDeciding how to feed your baby is a personal choice. You can talk with your health visitor at your antenatal appointment and ask any questions you may have to help you make your decision.

There is a lot of evidence to show how beneficial it is to breastfeed your baby, for both you and them. Your breastmilk is perfectly designed to help your baby grow and develop. Breastmilk has ingredients like antibodies, hormones and stem cells to help protect your baby now, and in the future. If you’d like to breastfeed there’s lots of support and information to support you from your midwife, health visitor and our local breastfeeding community Beside You.

Breastfeeding is a skill that both you and your baby will learn together. No matter what stage of the breastfeeding journey you are in, Beside You is here to help every step of the way. You can find out more about the benefits and how to get ready to start once baby arrives, or speak to your midwife or health visitor for more support.

If you're planning to bottle feed with expressed breast milk or infant formula, these tips will help keep your baby safe and healthy. It’s important to feed your baby responsively.

Responsive feeding is giving your baby a feed when they show you signs they’re hungry and stopping when they show you they’re full. This makes your baby feel safe and cared for, supporting a close and loving bond between you and helping their brain to grow.

Ready for baby course

Find out more about developing a close relationship with your baby and understanding responsive feeding however you choose to feed your baby with our Ready for baby course. Sessions are based on UNICEF Baby Friendly information and led by trained NHS staff and volunteers.

Supporting you to:

  • develop a close relationship with your baby
  • feed your baby responsively, however you choose to feed them.
  • know when feeding is going well.

Find out more about:

  • your baby's feeding cues
  • the benefits of skin-to-skin
  • feeding choices
  • what's in a nappy
  • responding to baby
  • your baby's brain development.

How to book your place:

  • Email with details of the course you would like to join (details below) and a registration form will be sent to you.
  • You're welcome to attend a class after 28 weeks into your pregnancy.
  • Partners are also very welcome to attend.
  • Bookings must be made at least two working days in advance of the group.
  • This is course is available to families who live in Kent, please ask your midwife for more information about antenatal classes in your area, including Medway.

You can also watch our pre-recorded narrated PowerPoint presentation.

You can ring your local Health Visiting Team with any questions Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. We really want to hear from you if you need our help or are feeling worried about anything.

Healthy Start 

If you are on certain benefits and are pregnant or have children under the age of four, you can access the Healthy Start programme. If you’re eligible, you can get a pre-paid card to buy milk, fruit and vegetables, pulses, and infant formula milk. You can also get vitamin supplements. Eligible families can now get either a free handpump or loan an electric pump for a set period and a voucher for a breastfeeding bra.  

Breast pump hire

Families can be referred by a professional such as a breastfeeding champion, health visitor or other health professional via the referral form. Parents will be asked to complete an evaluation form to help us monitor and improve the scheme. Visit Beside You to find more information and a venue near you to hire a pump.

It is also possible to hire a breast pump directly from the manufacturers Ardo or Medela.

Useful resources

  • Find more information on formula feeding at

Looking for breastfeeding support?

Beside You is here to help every step of the way.

Your comments

Parent feedback

The ‘Ready for baby’ course helped me and my partner know what to expect and where to go for support. We really liked the stomach size and nappy visual aids, those were really helpful in understanding what was normal once baby was here. My baby is breastfeeding well and was well above birthweight at the new birth visit today, which is great news!