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Your older toddler’s development

The terrific twos can be an exciting time for little ones, running, climbing, playing all support their development.

At two your child will be:

  • more confident running and being able to stop and turn to avoid obstacles
  • able to jump on the spot
  • able to climb on to furniture to get an object or see out of the window – make sure you have safety measures in place to avoid risk of accidents
  • beginning to show an understanding of body size and how to fit into spaces
  • able to walk upstairs and down holding on to a rail
  • walk to a ball when trying to kick it
  • able to sit on a tricycle (but not to pedal).

You can watch a video with ideas to help your toddler develop as well as ways to cope with the challenges of parenting a two-year-old with Health Visitor Ali Saunders.

Your child will be offered a review at two and two-and-a-half years with your local Health Visiting Team. This review gives you as parents the opportunity to see how your child is developing, and if they need any additional support to reach their full potential and be ready for nursery and school.

Useful resources

  • The Born to Move app can support you to help your child reach their potential. You can add your child’s profile and record photos and milestones along the way to look back on, or to share with friends and family. Regular tips from your local health visitor will give you ideas to support your child to continue to develop and get ready for school.
  • ‘Understanding your child’ courses are here to help you develop as a parent as your family grows. These free online courses are available in 15-20-minute chunks, perfect for busy parents and carers. Use the access code Invicta to register for your free account.