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Caring for your baby

Every baby is different and however you imagine life will be once baby arrives, there will no doubt be both challenges and happy surprises. Take every day as it comes. You’ll get more confident caring for your baby as you get to know them and what they need.

The Kent Heath Visiting Service has prepared a short video on becoming a parent you may find useful. has a great guide with everything you need to know about caring for a baby in those first few weeks, including helping your baby sleep, how to change a nappygiving your baby a bath, keeping baby cool in hot weather, what to do if they have a high temperature or support for parents with twins or multiple babies. Visit our guide to your baby's poo and wee to understand the differences you will see in their bowel movements the first few weeks and months.

The Lullaby Trust has some great resources to help you keep your baby safe while sleeping in the summer and winter months.

Useful resources

  • Born to Move app – encouraging play and interaction to help the learning and development of your baby’s brain at this early stage, building the foundations for a healthy, confident child.
  • Families in Kent and Medway can access a free online antenatal course called ‘Understanding your baby.’ This is for everyone around a new baby, supporting you and the new arrival from birth to 12 months. This course gives you information about your baby's brain development and your baby's physical and emotional development. It shows how important your relationship is for the baby's development. Use the access code Invicta to register for your free account. Find out more about a range of parenting courses and relationship support for new parents at Kent Baby.
  • Your baby will have a hearing test soon after birth either in hospital, birth centre or in a follow-up clinic. If you have any concerns about your baby's hearing speak to your health visitor or visit the Newborn Hearing Screening Programme for more information.

Page last reviewed: 01/01/2025, next review due: 01/01/2028